01Sign up/Log inSign up/Log in to aya3d.com to have your own 3D space

02Upload ModelUpload 3D models to your own space
03Generate codeFind the corresponding 3D model in the dedicated space and click 【Embed Code】

04Paste the codePaste the code
05View the resultsTurn your 2D products into interactive 3D products

Loading model...
No 3D models?
Select 【3D Modeling Service】 in 【3D Technical Service System】 in the top menu, and click the [Submit 3D Modeling Request] button at the bottom to submit your modeling request. Our professional team will provide you with customized 3D modeling services.
How do I paste the code?
Please ask the front-end developer to replace the code copied in 【Embed Code】 with the <img src="xxx/img.png" /> position of the original model image, and the corresponding 3D model can be displayed after publishing.